Public Justice Center
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New inclusionary housing laws will increase affordable housing in Baltimore

March 7, 2024

Integrated communities with affordable places to call home are critical to building a stronger Baltimore, and two new inclusionary housing laws will bring us closer to that goal. Signed by Mayor Brandon Scott in January, CB 22-0195 and 23-0369 provide that developers who get special tax breaks must make up to 15% of their units affordable to families whose median income does not exceed 60% (and 50% in some cases) of the area median income. The laws also provide developers additional compensation for making these units affordable. The Inclusionary Housing Coalition Baltimore estimates that the laws could create over 900 new units of affordable housing marketed specifically to city residents who have been left behind by the structural racism that has fueled subsidized segregation and separate-and-unequal development policy. The Public Justice Center and fellow members of the Inclusionary Housing Coalition Baltimore advocated to pass these laws and will be working to ensure that they are implemented. Thank you to bill sponsor Councilwoman Odette Ramos and all Council supporters for championing inclusionary housing in Baltimore.