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Erin Conley, Paralegal

Erin Conley

Erin is serving as a paralegal on the Human Right to Housing team during her year-long program with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. Prior to the PJC, she graduated from Saint Louis University with BAs in Political Science and International Studies. During her time in St. Louis, she worked on the ACLU of Missouri’s Project Against Unjust Suspensions and Expulsions (STL PAUSE) to address the impacts of the school-to-prison nexus in the city’s public school system. Erin grew-up in the hills of East Tennessee and can often be found cooking family recipes, hiking in the Great Smoky Mountains, and listening to Dolly Parton. She is incredibly excited to spend the year learning about the PJC’s integrated approach to law and policy while advocating for and expanding renters’ rights in her newfound Baltimore community.

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